Free Prescription (Rx) Savings Card


RxSavingsCardThe AdvanStaff HR Prescription Savings Card lowers the cost of prescription medication you or your family members need to stay healthy and get well. The card is free, convenient, and provides discount savings of 10-70% off of full retail prices.

With no membership fees to pay or contracts to sign, you start saving immediately at thousands of facilities across the country. Please share this benefit with your friends, family, customers, and colleagues, or whomever you think may need help with the high cost of prescriptions. Plastic cards are available in large quantities upon request.

This is not insurance. We offer a free membership card for obtaining discounted pricing off the cash price for all FDA-approved prescription medications. Use it in addition to your standard insurance card and compare the savings. Present both cards to your pharmacist and pay the lower cost. It’s that easy.

Our interactive web tools allow you to do the following:

  • Immediately download your card
  • Locate a Pharmacy near you (nearly all Pharmacies accept the card)
  • Estimate the cost of the prescription
  • Identify possible alternatives to discuss with your doctor or pharmacist


Simply present your card at a participating retail pharmacy and save on many of your prescription drugs. Finding a pharmacy is easy; 8 out of 10 pharmacies nationwide accept the savings card. No enrollment form, no membership fee, available for immediate use.

No Limits

You and your family may use your savings card any time your prescription is not covered by insurance. There are no restrictions and no limits on how many times you may use your card.

For Everyone

Our card is available to you and your family. We have provided an easy way to download the card right from our website without any registrations or applications to complete. If you would like additional plastic cards, please let us know and we will mail out as many as you need for your family, friends, neighbors, customers, colleagues, simply anyone who wants the discount.

If you (or someone you know) does not have prescription drug coverage this card may save you (or them) money. Even if you have a prescription card through your medical insurance plan, you can use this savings card for prescriptions not covered by your current carrier to help you save.