Redundancy in cloud computing can be defined as the supplying of duplicate copies of various data, equipment, systems, or the like, to be used in the event that part of one’s cloud computing system fails or cannot be accessed. This redundancy is made available by having fully replicated data several times on multiple computers or units involved in the same data center.

With cloud, there is no longer a need to construct a pricey “high available redundant system,” as one would need to do with a traditional IT operational system, because a fail-first mentality has been inherently built into the structure of cloud computing. The cloud was structured on the understanding that certain components in the system will give out at some point.

Those components most likely to fail include physical disks, power equipment, and memory units. By first ensuring that every file associated with such physical components has been copied three times, most cloud operating systems are protecting themselves in the event that, perhaps, the entire system itself might fall by the wayside.