Tracking time against business units, departments, projects, tasks, clients and other increments is easy with simple software configuration that allows various types of data collection…

Budgeting and Forecasting

Tracking time against business units, departments, projects, tasks, clients and other increments is easy. Simple software configuration allows various types of data collection – web, barcode, wireless, biometric, etc. – and offers both relational and non-relational cost centers.

Data is easily collected, processed and reported on:

  • Synchronize projects or cost centers from external systems
  • Use effective dating to address rate increases or other changes
  • Gain greater insight by comparing current against historical data

Quickly assign rates by user, customer, task or other criteria and report on those values in real-time. Effective dating accurately tracks rate increases and other changes, ensuring reports reflect historical rates, not just current values.



Rules can be configured for an individual or group by simply defining default values or creating a template based on recently tracked projects.

Software settings also provide:

  • User-defined labels so information remains in a familiar form
  • Limited or expanded input fields based on a user’s role

This streamlined approach to project tracking simplifies collecting, processing and reporting labor data. Based on user permissions, manual intervention is minimized to avoid errors.