Some guidelines to help businesses cope with the H1N1 virus and the 2009-2010 fall-winter flu season.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted guidelines on its website that will help businesses prepare for the H1N1 and the common flu this coming fall and winter.

To determine the nature of their response, the CDC says that employers must take into account the following factors:

  • Severity and extent of the disease
  • Absenteeism rates
  • High-risk “workforce populations”
  • Other factors that affect the ability to get to work such as school dismissals.

The guidelines focus in particular on having employees prepare for two possible scenarios, either an outbreak that has the same OR greater severity as that of the previous spring. Response measures for both can be seen in the link below.

In general, the CDC recommends that businesses:

  • Grasp “normal” absenteeism rates to determine “unusual increases” and know the “threshold” at which absenteeism can disrupt business functions
  • Coordinate with local health officials
  • Stay posted on latest developments
  • Keep sick workers home
  • Prepare for school dismissals or closing of child-care centers
  • Practice standard infection-control measures
  • Check or revamp a flu pandemic plan, involving employees in the process and ensuring that the four components are met
  • Define flexible leave policies
  • Collaborate with other businesses, particularly in your supply chain.

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