
Dear Friends and Colleagues:

I would like to take a moment of your time to let you know of a new and exciting change taking place in the very near future at AdvanStaff HR.  After operating for over sixteen years in the same office space, we are delighted to announce we are finally “moving on up” to new office space!

The new space offers greater efficiencies and effectiveness over the current facility in nearly every way.  In addition to being easier to locate for worksite employees, it provides a stronger foundation and infrastructure to allow AdvanStaff HR to take services to “the next level.”


We expect the transition to take place sometime during the first two weeks of December. Contractors are working diligently to prepare the new space for occupancy.  Once their work is completed, the IT gurus will work their magic and we will start the transition.  Our obvious goal is to experience no down-time or service hiccups throughout the move.

AdvanStaff HR personnel will be in touch with timing details in the near future.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call your account representative.  Once we take occupancy, the South Rancho Dr. Office will be closed.


Russell View

Northbound I-215 View


Location details

The new office is easily accessible just east of the I-215 freeway at Russel Rd on the west side of town. The new address is:

AdvanStaff HR
8925 West Russell Rd. Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89148



This is an exciting time for the AdvanStaff HR family.  We thank our partners (you!) for your business and support through these difficult economic times.  As we increase our numbers and purchasing power year over year, we are able to obtain greater economies of scale and leverage in negotiating with insurance carriers.  This results in the ability to offer superior, competitive employee benefit programs to worksite employees and bottom-line savings to our worksite partners.

Our purchasing power obtained through quality growth is saving our clients thousands of dollars each year in lower insurance premiums and in stable administration fees. For the 7th year in a row, AdvanStaff hit another “home run” with a 2-year health plan renewal at a fraction of the national average increase (not to mention 30% lower life/disability premiums!!) Thanks to growth through client referrals, we are able to offer even more competitive benefit programs and enhanced services to your employees which improves your effectiveness as an employer.

Last week AdvanStaff HR announced a very rewarding Referral Incentive Program.  In the near future, we will provide more details on the following new services and enhancements:

  • Employee on-boarding and enrollment from anywhere, anytime
  • Lower cost, fully insured, workers compensation programs
  • Announcement of several new benefit program offerings

As always, please contact me with any questions or comments you may have.  I welcome your feedback and suggestions you may offer regarding any aspect of our service.

Have a great week!

Matt Richards
AdvanStaff HR, Director of Operations