Employees and affiliates of AdvanStaff HR now have access to 1000s of nationwide discounts and promotions. All it takes is a simple click of the mouse to unlock savings from movie theatrics and theme parks, to computers, to shoes and apparel. Several benefits include:
- Discounts with over 500 merchants and thousands of national brands, theme parks and much more!
- Live Agent Help Desk (888) 657-3757
- Merchants include Hotels.com, 1800Flowers, Dell, Disney, Barnes & Noble, and many more.
SmartSavings (746.67 kB)
AdvanStaff HR is proud to introduce a new and exciting portal for nationwide discounts. It is easy to use, free to register, and includes 1000s of high-value discounts and promotions.
SmartSavings offers many features and benefits:
- Discounts with over 500 merchants and thousands of national brands, theme parks and much more!
- Live Agent Help Desk (888) 657-3757
- Merchants include Hotels.com, 1800Flowers, Dell, Disney, Barnes & Noble, and many more.
- Easy to search deals by category, keyword, or by merchant name.
- 100% Free
SmartSavings (746.67 kB)
To access the SmartSavings Program
- Click Here
- Register the first time using:
Username: advanstaff1
Password: Marketplace1
- You will then asked to create your own unique username and password
- That’s it!Enjoy the savings.
If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact us.