Many States Adjust Minimum Wage Rates for 2011

The following states have announced an increase in minimum wage rates, effective January 1, 2011:

  • Arizona: The state minimum wage will increase to $7.35 per hour.
  • City of San Francisco, California: The City of San Francisco’s minimum wage rate will rise to $9.92 per hour.
  • Colorado: The minimum wage will increase to $7.36 per hour, and $4.34 for tipped employees.
  • Montana: The state minimum wage will rise to $7.35 per hour.
  • Ohio: The state minimum wage will increase to $7.40 for non-tipped employees, and $3.70 for tipped employees. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 may be paid to employees whose employers gross $271,000 or less per year.
  • Oregon: The minimum wage will rise to $8.50 per hour.
  • Vermont: The state minimum wage will increase to $8.15 per hour, and $3.95 per hour for tipped employees.
  • Washington: The minimum wage will increase to $8.67 per hour.
  • Florida: employers are required to post the 2011 minimum wage notice even though the minimum wage remains the same, at $7.25.

As a consequence, employers are now required to update their minimum wage posters to reflect the effective minimum wage rates.

As you know, AdvanStaff HR updates employment posters every two years unless the changes in that state require a new poster to be poster.  For updates to posters in these states, please contact a member of the AdvanStaff Human Rescources Department staff.


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