
The holidays are always a stressful time of year, and money problems are one of the leading causes of that stress. Smart shoppers write the holiday gift season into their budget all year long, but most of us do not plan this well ahead.

Do not despair – with proper budgeting and a handful of smart shopping ideas, it is still possible to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list without breaking the bank!

  • Review your shopping list carefully. Does everyone listed truly need a gift?
  • Set limits! Set a maximum dollar limit for each person and vow to stay within that limit. Then, track how much you are actually spending.
  • Buy in bulk so you have something on hand for those unexpected presents, such as elegant candles or homemade cookies.
  • Leave the credit cards at home when you go shopping. If you do not have the cash to spend, you cannot afford it.
  • Make presents yourself or decide to only purchase gifts for children.
  • Need a few extra dollars? Consider getting a seasonal job to pay for your holiday gift spending.