AdvanStaff HR: HIRE Act & Form W-11 Processing


The IRS released the final version of Form W-11 Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act.

AdvanStaff recently published an article outlining the provisions of the new HIRE Act. If you are unfamiliar with the ACT, you can read about it HERE or visit the following links to the IRS website:

The W-11 Form is an affidavit that must be completed by the new employee and is not valid unless the employee signs it. See and example of the form below:

Sample information on the Form:

I certify that I have been unemployed or have not worked for anyone for
more than 40 hours during the 60-day period ending on the date I began
employment with this employer.

Your name ______________________ Social security number ___|___|___

First date of employment __/__/__ Name of Employer _________________

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this affidavit
and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and

Employee Signature __________________________________ Date ___/___/___

Purpose of Form

Use Form W-11 to confirm that an employee is a qualified employee under the HIRE Act. You can use another similar statement if it contains the information above and the employee signs it under penalties of perjury.

Only employees who meet all the requirements of a qualified employee may complete this affidavit or similar statement. You cannot claim the HIRE Act benefits, including the payroll tax exemption or the new hire retention credit, unless the employee completes and signs this affidavit or similar statement under penalties of perjury and is otherwise a qualified employee.

A “qualified employee” is an employee who:

  • begins employment with you after February 3, 2010, and before January 1, 2011;
  • certifies by signed affidavit, or similar statement under penalties of perjury, that he or she has not been employed for more than 40 hours total during the 60-day period ending on the date the employee begins employment with you;
  • is not employed by you to replace another employee unless the other employee separated from employment voluntarily or for cause (including downsizing); and
  • is not related to you. An employee is related to you if he or she is your child or a descendant of your child, your sibling or step-sibling, your parent or an ancestor of your parent, your stepparent, your niece or nephew, your aunt or uncle, or your in-law. An employee also is related to you if he or she is related to anyone who owns more than 50% of your outstanding stock or capital and profits interest or is your dependent or a dependent of anyone who owns more than 50% of your outstanding stock or capital and profits interest.

What your AdvanStaff Human Resources Department is doing

As of April 7, 2010 the AdvanStaff Human Resources Department has added Form W-11 to the new hire employee orientation packet.  AdvanStaff HR will track and manage this program on your behalf.

The updated versions of the enrollment packet are available for download in AdvanStaff HR Web Edition under Documents & forms –> HR Forms –> EE Enrollment Packet …

You can also download a copy of Form W-11 in the same “HR Forms” directory in Web Edition.

We need your help

For employees hired AFTER Feb 3, 2010 but BEFORE April 7, 2010, your assistance as the work-site employer is needed to collect the completed forms from “qualified” employees.  Over the next week you will be receiving an employee report from AdvanStaff HR listing which employees may be eligible for the  program.   From there, follow the guidelines listed on the form to determine if the new hire is eligible for the program; if so, distribute the form to each qualified employee. Then,  return all completed forms to your AdvanStaff HR payroll or human resources representative.

If you would like to get started sooner.  You may also run a “New Hire” PDF report within Web Edition.  To do this, simply:

  • Login to Web Edition
  • Click on Self-Service Reports –> HR Reports –> New Hire Report
  • Complete the query submission form (See Image Below).

  • Verify the newly hired employee is not replacing an  involuntarily terminated employee.
  • Distribute Form W-11 to the newly hired employee.
  • Return completed Form W-11 to your AdvanStaff HR payroll representative.

Please contact a human resources professional (or reply to this email) at AdvanStaff HR if you have any questions.