A database compiled from lists provided by U.S. and various international governmental agencies of individuals who may be involved in terrorist activities, money laundering, illegal imports, fraud against government agencies, violations of federal banking regulations, and fugitives from justice. Information may include date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, employment or group membership or affiliation. Includes: Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List; Bank of England Sanctions List; Debarred Parties List; Denied Persons List; European Union Terrorism Sanctions List; FDA List; Fugitive Lists –FBI Most Wanted, U.S. Marshals Most Wanted, Secret Service Most Wanted, and the DEA Fugitives list; Health and Human Services Exclusion List; Interpol Most Wanted; OFAC; Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS); OFSI (Canadian Sanctions List); Palestinian Legislative Council List; United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List; US General Services Administration Excluded Parties List; World Bank Listing of Ineligible Individuals.