The automated expense reimbursement virtually eliminates errors, shortens approval time, and enables an organization to properly allocate, analyze and manage each expense category…


Fully Integrated

As a web-based application, users can generate and submit expenses anytime from any web browser.

An intuitive interface helps:

  • Managers approve expenses with a single click
  • Shorten processing time in half
  • Provide better insight into expense categories and over spending

Data is entered only once and expense categories can be automatically imported from external systems and exported electronically. Corporate travel policies, per diem rates, and audit trails are available for future review and analysis. This automated approach to expense reimbursement substantially reduces an organization’s exposure to manual errors and appropriation of funds for non-authorized uses.

Policy Compliance

In addition to streamlining your expense reimbursement process, features help:

  • Produce audit reports
  • Ensure compliance with company policy
  • Reduce overall project, travel and entertainment related expense