Pay Card FAQ & Features

  1. When making purchases, always select “Credit” … there is no fee.
  2. Always know your balance so you avoid decline and overlimit fees.
  3. Call to obtain your balance at (866) 395-9200 or online at  It is free.
  4. Use Surcharge Free ATM’s … go online to  locate a surcharge free ATM or call Customer Service at (866) 395-9200 for more information.

June 20, 2009

How do I avoid transaction fees?

When making purchases, always select “Credit” … there is no fee. Always know your balance so you avoid decline and overlimit fees. Call to obtain your […]
June 20, 2009

Am I liable if my PIN is lost or stolen?

You must notify Global Cash Card immediately.  If you notify them in two days, your maximum loss would be no more than $50.00.  If you do […]
June 20, 2009

Can I use my card for purchases on the Internet? Gas Stations? Restaurants? Car Rental?

Yes! Yes! Yes!Yes!  But there are some things you should know. Once you activate your card, you will be given the option to upgrade the card […]