All AdvanStaff HR clients have special and unique needs. We understand no out-of-the-box solution will meet everyone’s demands and go to great effort and care to make certain your needs are met economically, efficiently, and trouble free.

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Turn-around Time

Meeting your turn around time guidelines is critical so you can make hiring decisions in a timely manner. By communicationg these guidelines to our clients, you will know what to expect when you order any of our background check services. If, for any reason, a specific search is close to a deadline, we will contact you to inform you of the situation and formulate a plan of action with you determining what the next steps will be.

Court Searches

  • County Criminal (per county) – 12-72 hours
  • County Criminal (unlimited) – 12-72 hours
  • County Civil Records Search – 12-72 hours
  • Federal Criminal Records – Same Day
  • Federal Civil Records – Same Day
  • Federal Bankruptcy Court Search – Same Day

Criminal Database Searches

  • Multi State/National Database Criminal Search – Same Day*
  • Sexual Offender Search – Same Day
  • Global Homeland Security Search – Same Day
  • Statewide Database Search – Same Day*

Verification Services

  • Employment Verification – 24-72 Hours
  • Education Verification – 24-72 Hours
  • Personal Reference Verification – 24-72 Hours
  • Professional Reference Verification – 24-72 Hours
  • License / Certification Verification – 24-72 Hours
  • Military Record Verification – 24-72 Hours
  • DOT drug and alcohol history Verification – 24-72 Hours

Additional Searches

  • Credit Report – Instant
  • Motor Vehicle Record Search – Instant – 72 hours
  • Social Security Number Search – Instant
  • Worker’s Compensation Report – 1-10 Days
  • Bankruptcy, Liens, and Judgment Search – Same Day
  • Eviction Records – Instant

Healthcare Industry Searches

  • National Practitioner Databank – Same Day
  • OIG/GSA Check – Same Day
  • HIPDB/National Practitioner Data Bank Check – Same Day
  • Nurse Aide Registry Check – Same Day

Other Services

  • Assessment Testing – Instant
  • Drug Testing – 24-48 Hours

* Any Criminal Database hit must be confirmed at the county level. This will change the turn around time to 24-72 hours when this occurs.

Features of our InstaScreen System for Background Checks

  • Real-time report status 24/7/365 via our web-based system.
  • Quick turn-around time. Our automated system makes it easy for you to submit orders directly to our InstaScreen system, ensuring screening results are delivered to you in the fastest possible timeframe.
  • Easy-to-use interface. Our customizable system allows you to create profile/packages for job position/category so you can quickly and easily order background checks.
  • Easy online viewing and printing of reports and email notification for final reports.
  • Pending, completed and historical reporting capabilities .
  • Flags and alerts for derogatory information on any report.
  • Instant integration with social security traces, credit reports and most state driver records.
  • Billing through your scheduled payroll invoice.
  • Simple and advanced search capabilities.
  • Jurisdiction lookup tool. Access to all county and federal district courts in the United States .
  • Flexible and secure multi-user authorization levels. Customizable security and user access administration allows you to easily maintain multiple user access levels.
  • Managed FCRA Compliance: Our automoated system manages the entire compliance process for you, such as providing adverse action management.
  • Applicant Interface. Simply have your recruiter enter the applicant’s name and email and the system will send the applicant an email requesting they complete their own background profile online.
  • Integration capabilities with Applicant Tracking Systems and more.

Industry Solutions

AdvanStaff HR specializes in meeting the specific requirements and regulations that govern many industries. We can help our clients maintain compliance with your HR hiring and on-boarding process. We have expertise in the following industries:

  • Higher Education
  • Health Care
  • Financial Services
  • Transportation

Contact an AdvanStaff HR Representative today if you have any questions about our Employment Screening Services. If you need a background check not listed in the options above, please contact us.